About Me...

I am actively seeking a Marketing internship in the Luxury industry to complement my ongoing MSc in Luxury Marketing and Brand Management at Rennes School of Business, a prestigious institution in Europe. By deepening my knowledge and comprehension of the luxury market, this program has equipped me with the skills necessary to work in this field. I can now recognize and capitalize on market trends, overcome obstacles, and devise innovative approaches.


Why Luxury Brands


Luxury, to me, epitomizes boundless possibilities—a realm where the sky is not the limit but the starting point. It's this infinite potential that fuels my passion for the industry. Luxury offers a canvas where individuals can boldly express themselves in myriad ways—be it exuding sophistication, embracing classiness, or daringly showcasing boldness.

Working in luxury brands is more than a career choice for me; it's a deeply personal passion. The idea of contributing to brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Balenciaga, Gucci, and Prada excites me because each represents something unique and captivating. Chanel, especially, holds a special place in my heart because Gabrielle Chanel's commitment to empowering women resonates deeply with my own values. Their ads, the stories they tell, it's like an art that mesmerizes me and gives me goosebumps. What I love about luxury brands in general is their ability to craft experiences beyond just products—Louis Vuitton's heritage and craftsmanship, Hermes's timeless elegance, Balenciaga's bold and avant-garde designs, Gucci's bold innovation, and Prada's boundary-pushing designs. These brands aren’t just about luxury; they’re about storytelling, heritage, and creativity. I aspire to be a part of this world, not only to understand it but to use these brand platforms to champion empowerment and contribute positively to the industry's evolution.


Soft Skills


Event Management

Business Strategy

Email Marketing

Social media Marketing

Celebrity. Influencer Management

Social Worker





Tech Skills

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word, Excel

Microsoft Power point

Microsoft Outlook




Google, Meta Ads

Social Media 


I believe Life is not a Race it's a journey in that journey I want to leave a mark of my existence in the world by achieving the non-achievable for the world with the world.


As a dedicated social worker, I am driven by a deep commitment to aiding others and championing the cause of women's empowerment. My focus lies in harnessing my expertise within the luxury industry to contribute meaningfully to this realm. My mission? To elevate startups within the luxury sector, leveraging experience to foster their growth into top-tier organizations.

Contact Me


Email ID-


Phone NO-

+91 9987036764

LinkedIn ID-







Paris, France

Know more about me at the very top of the page

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